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Hai să încercăm ceva nou!

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Forget about the classic lava cake, this one is the best! I have made this white lava cake 2 weeks ago on V-Day and it turned out unexpectedly good! I have added plenty of lemon zest and orange blossom water and the flavours were absolutely insane.

I am not a big fan of white chocolate but I’m telling you, this lava cake was really good! It’ important to use plenty of lemon zest or any other flavouring as in comparison with the classic lava cake, white chocolate has no flavour and it might turn out pretty bland if you don’t add any flavour to your lava cake.

I have grated lemon zest and rubbed it with sugar between my fingers to make sure I extract all those oils from the lemon. I would suggest you to do the same. Orange blossom is optional but that gives it a nice oriental touch to it. Let’s get started!

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