Authentic German Nuremberg Gingebread
This is one of my favourite Christmas recipes. How did I not discover this Gingerbread earlier? It is so, so good! Soft, chewy, flavourful, it is simply a dream! I am not a big fan of gingerbread but this is something else.
Elisenlebkuchen is a type of German gingerbread that originated in Nürnberg and it is known for its high content of nuts which provide a soft, chewy texture. It is believed they were created by a Nuremberg baker for his daughter Elisabeth, hence the name "Elisen". I took this recipe from the book "The secret history of Christmas baking" by Linda Raedisch and adapted it here and there, and this is my version:
Prepare the dough
I beat the eggs with the sugar until lightly foamed. I added the honey and apricot jam and to homogenize everything I put the bowl over bain marie so that the honey will melt a bit.
I mixed everything well then I added the zest, the ground hazelnut and almond and mixed everything well. Here the dough starts to become dense.
Then I added flour mixed with the spices and baking powder, I mixed everything well and formed balls with damp hands (as it's slightly sticky dough) and I pressed them on the Back Oblaten. I formed a dome as this gives them a soft consistency. If you don't have Back Oblaten, simply form the cookies with your hands and flatten them gently on the baking sheet. See the entire method here
Finish the cookies
I baked 13 minutes for chewy and moist consistency, 17 min for drier consistency on the outside. Once they are cooled, dip in melted chocolate and let it set in the fridge for 10 minutes. Enjoy!