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Porții 8
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I don't know about you, but I love the combination between sweet and savoury!

While I was thinking about a recipe which will celebrate the autumnal fruit, this combination came into my mind. And while I was thinking of the combination between pears and rosemary, I decided to try sage instead, because I consider it an amazing herb with a lot of potential.

I cannot tell you how impressed I was with the result. Buttery crust, juicy and aromatic pears, crunchy walnuts and salty cheese...that's a dream. You need to try it!


Pentru crustă

Pentru umplutură


  1. Making the crust

    For the crust I have used the recipe from here. You can also follow the instructions here step by step. All I did different was to use parmesan instead of cheddar, because I felt it was more suitable for my combination of ingredients. You don't have to add cheese to the dough if you don't want. The polenta gives it an amazing crunchy kick.

  2. Prepare the filling

    Cut the pears, remove the stems and the seeds and cut them in slices. Crumble the goat cheese and cut the walnuts into smaller bits. After rolling out the chilled dough (tip: I always roll it between two floured baking sheets, it is so much easier!), start by sprinkling one layer of crumbled cheese and walnuts, then carefully place the pear slices clockwise, then top with more cheese and walnuts. I have added some sage leaves for extra flavour too. Fold the remaining dough over the edges of the tart (see video here for better explanation) and brush with the beaten egg.

    Bake for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve warm or cold. It is amazing! I promise you'll love it.

Numele meu este Andreea și locuiesc în București, România. Născută cu o pasiune pentru gătit, am dezvoltat o predilecție față de bucătăria globală și față de mâncarea locală consumată în întreaga lume în timpul petrecut în India. Nu numai că aș vrea să împărtășesc această pasiune cu voi toți, dar și să vă prezint rețete din întreaga lume pe care le puteți încerca chiar și voi, la voi acasă. Veți descoperi cât de incredibil de bune pot fi aceste preparate și vă veți îndragosti de ele iremediabil!
